Section B.i.3(a) of Code: forged academic record


576 (10-11), 613 (10-11), 600 (09-10), 580 (09-10), 498 (09-10), 496 (08-09), 492 (08-09), 491 (08-09), 463 (08-09), 502 (07-08), 480 (07-08), 468 (07-08), 510 (06-07), 476 (06-07), 435 (06-07), 406 (06-07), 368 (05-06)(LF), 04-05-07(LF), 02-03-01, 01-02-04, 01-02-02*

Submitted in job application/ to employer:

492 (08-09), 502 (07-08), 510 (06-07), 435 (06-07), 406 (06-07), 01-02-02

Submitted in application to post-secondary institution:

480 (07-08), 468 (07-08), 01-02-04

Submitted to U of T:

576 (10-11), 580 (09-10) 496 (08-09), 491 (08-09), 480 (07-08), 467 (07-08), 476 (06-07), 04-05-07(LF)


613 (10-11), 600 (09-10), 498 (09-10), 463 (08-09), 368 (05-06)(LF), 02-03-01

*bolded reports indicate that the case summary is copied below*
*LF = letter format decisions (negligible precedential value); DAB = Discipline Appeals Board decisions*